We accept payment via bank transfer in USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and PLN.
We support Visa and Mastercard payments in USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, HUF, NZD, SGD, PLN, RON, CZK, NOK, and DKK.
Easy and affordable trademark portfolio management – docket, search, monitor, and request actions with the trademarks in one place.
Integrate portfolio automatically
Make your trademark records fast and easy – all the data will automatically be uploaded from official registers. It’s no need to do it manually!
Docketing with automatically updated statuses
The trademark registrations and applications are tied with records in official trademark databases.
Prepare reports, work in teams
Upload the trademark portfolio reporting and search results in convenient formats. Create teams within the service and share objects and tasks.
Make searches and monitoring
Integrated national and international databases provide option to make searches and create goals for monitoring in different countries.
Set the tasks
No need to find somewhere a lawyer to make trademark renewal, change trademark information, or file a trademark application – do it right here with a couple of clicks.
Monitoring system allows to set up of notifications when applying for registration of similar trademarks. Analyze the trademark strategy of your competitors
Keep records of all IP objects in a unified convenient format with automatically updated statuses
Managing intellectual property objects all over the world from one online account
Conduct searches within TM databases of different countries and international registration systems in one place
All stages of finding a foreign lawyer and giving instructions in a few clicks
Want to try Pocket IP?
Submit trademark applications online in different countries from one account
Very convenient and intuitive trademark assignment process
Trusted trademark renewal services for businesses and individuals
Preliminary searches among different databases
We accept payment via bank transfer in USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and PLN.
We support Visa and Mastercard payments in USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, HUF, NZD, SGD, PLN, RON, CZK, NOK, and DKK.
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Need assistance from our expert?
Pocket IP helps to manage trademark portfolios with the tools like – an advanced docketing system to keep and update trademark records, make searches, set up monitoring, file new trademark applications, and get access to the trademark applications tracking system. Our service provides all the main functionality in one place for the development of your business.
Pocket IP service saves time, and money, and increases the efficiency of IP management. Thanks to the automation of many legal processes, you can spend less time visiting separate national and international databases, preparing reports, not missing any deadlines, etc. Customize analytics of trademark strategy of rivals and make optimization of your plans and next steps.
Proper protection of trademark rights demands different actions. Firstly, a trademark should be correctly officially registered in time in all countries, where the company operates. Secondly, a trademark owner should actively monitor new applications to prevent registrations of similar trademarks. The business intelligence of actions with trademarks of other companies helps to watch market trends for the valuation of your IP strategy.
You can manage your trademark portfolio in an old-fashioned way, mostly running it all manually. Or in a modern way, to adjust business processes with IT solutions, which automatize many daily activities and free your time for more important tasks.
Trademark registered only in country A, won’t protect your rights in country B. To obtain legal protection for your brands, you need to make trademark registration in all the countries you operate or intend to operate in the nearest future. And someone else will register the same trademark. Analysis of the trademark activities of competitors will help to understand prioritized countries for your trademark activities.
Pocket IP is designed both for specialists of law firms, which manage the Intellectual property portfolio of their clients and for specialists of legal departments of companies. Both types of users will increase the efficiency of their business processes with Pocket IP.
We are interested to have a wide network of reliable partners, who share our values. If you would like to become Pocket IP’s partner in your country, please contact us.
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