How often to renew a trademark?
In most countries, the validity term of a trademark registration certificate is 10 years. Still, in some countries, it is calculated from the application date, and in some from the registration date.
In some countries, the validity terms vary and could be 7 years or even 15 years.
And with the terms when the renewal procedure is open the situation is the most diverse – some countries provide 12 months before the expiration date to make renewal procedure, with the 6-month period as the most widespread, while others give 3 months only.
The most dramatic situation is with the grace period if the expiration date is missed. The most loyal countries give an additional year to pay official fees, while the most rigid does not provide any extra time and the trademark will be considered expired.
In some countries, proof of use of a trademark is required to be provided with the renewal or in the timeframe between renewing periods.
Do not guess what your case is, just use the Pocket IP service for trademark renewal.
How much does it cost to renew a trademark online?
The cost depends on the country, the timeframe when renewing is requested (before the expiration date or in the grace period), and trademark peculiarities:
– number of classes
– number of trademark holders
The current exchange rate of the local currency may affect significantly the real cost nominated in US dollars or Euros.
For trademark holders who are non-residents assistance from a local trademark attorney is required by the law. So, the service fees of a lawyer are added to the official fees.
Using Pocket IP service allows one to save time and money on trademark renewal in different countries and feel certain about the final result.