Trademark assignment process with Pocket IP service
The trademark assignment process is very convenient and intuitive with Pocket IP service.
In the first step, you should find a trademark in the official register with our free search tool, or select a trademark among your objects.
The next is to insert information about the new owner in the relevant fields and provide information for POA (if needed). After signing a POA and assignment agreement (if needed in the country), the order is taken by the trademark attorney for execution.
After an application to record an assignment agreement is confirmed, you will receive notification on changes of information on a trademark in the official database.
How much does it cost to transfer a trademark?
The cost for registration of an assignment agreement consists of an official fee and a professional fee. If one of the parties of an agreement is a non-resident, the services of a local licensed trademark attorney are required.
The fees depend on the country, the number of trademarks in one agreement, and the actual exchange rate of the national currency to the currencies like USD or EUR.
Pocket IP is able to provide the most cost-effective offer on the market thanks to modern IT solutions, which help not only to save money but avoid possible mistakes during the procedure.