Trademark application

In the modern world brands are not only the name under which the products are placed on the market or the company conducts its business activities. It could be the most valuable asset of a company. And without proper legal steps for trademark protection, it’s easy to lose it.

Why is it important to register a trademark?
Create your own brand
To have own brand means to have a registered trademark in the country where the company operates. Filing a trademark application is a mandatory step when creating a new brand, entering a new market, or extending a list of goods or services offered by a company
Exclusive rights to your trademark
Trademark owner has exclusive rights to the brand, like prohibiting others to use the trademark or receiving remuneration by providing rights to use the trademark. The trademark holder has a right to assign the trademark completely or partially to others
Protect your brand
Brand name, logo, slogan, a combination of colors, or even smell and sound could be registered and protected as a trademark. Without trademark registration, all the corporate elements are open for copying and use without permission by anyone
Advantages of trademark registration with Pocket IP
Simplicity of process. All the steps of filing a new trademark application will take only a few minutes, instead of hours or even days as usual.
Reduced costs. Automated and unified processes allow Pocket IP to offer lower fees compared to the market average.
Immediate fee calculation and other terms. Pocket IP service shows precise fees for the trademark registration process instantly.
Track application statuses 24/7. The record on a new trademark application in Pocket IP is linked to the record in the official database. Thus, you receive notifications on changes in the application immediately. All the information and application documents are available in your account.
Pocket IP Trademark application process step by step

1. Pick a country for filing an application

2. Start to fill out the information on a future trademark or simply select data from a previously filed application or registration.

3. Chose the type of trademark, name, and image (if needed).

4. Select classes of goods and services and the list within a class. It is possible to choose within a standard classification or provide your own.

5. Claim priority if any.

6. Provide applicant data and information for invoice and POA (if needed).

7. Confirm the application and track the application statuses in your account.

Tips for a trademark registration process
Make preliminary searches before filing an application. Pocket IP provides free search tools to check whether similar applications or registrations exist and amend your application before its submission. Depending on search results, it could be a list of classes or a sign as a whole. After the application has been filed, the relevant fees cannot be withdrawn.
Study possible particularities of the trademark registration process in the country. Despite common international treaties for the field of intellectual property, governments, and IP Offices set national regulations and practices. There are different stages and their terms, requirements to the list in the classes, requirements to a POA, etc. To avoid surprises after filing use the Guide prepared by Pocket IP experts.
To find out if all the fees should be paid during the registration process. In the countries, the list of fees differs and some expenses could be unexpected for the applicants. For instance, there are separate official fees for filing application, formal and substantive examination stages, and registration. And in some countries, there is a single fee for the entire registration process.
Monitor the status of the application 24/7 with Pocket IP. After the application is filed and the record appeared in an official database, the records are tied and all the changes and communications of IP Office appear in Pocket IP and users receive the notifications immediately. All the application materials are available for review and download.
How much does it cost to register a trademark name

The costs for trademark application consist of official fees and professional fees. Depending on the country, fees for application and registration are paid separately.

The applicant non-resident is obliged to have a local trademark attorney as a representative.

Want to see the total costs for registering a trademark?

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Most countries have restrictions as to the possibility of non-residents communicating directly with national IP Offices. So, Pocket IP has licensed agents in all countries and your interests are securely represented.

Pocket IP provides services for registering trademarks online in different countries from one account. Start with creating free profile in the system and file new application online.

The duration of the trademark registration procedure differs across jurisdictions – from a couple of months to years. In some countries accelerated examination to request is possible. The potential oppositions could extend the procedure.

Some countries have official procedures when interested parties are able to file an opposition to the registration of a trademark. Still, in most cases opposed party should provide evidence of a potential violation of the rights, like a trademark registration certificate, use of a brand, etc.

Trademark applications should meet the minimum requirements to pass the formal examination. The national legislations have a list of these requirements. First of all, a trademark must have a distinctive character, not contain generic words or phrases, not violate public morality, not use national symbols, not mislead consumers, etc.

There are no limitations on how many trademarks could have one person or legal entity. It’s not possible to register the same trademark for the same list of goods in the same country.