Integrated search forms

Conducting preliminary searches among registered and filed for registration trademarks is an essential condition for the successful registration of TM.

This becomes especially important in the case of plans to enter the markets of different countries, or monitoring the use of the brand in other countries.

However, TM databases of different countries are located on different platforms, in different languages, and provide information in different formats. This forces even experienced intellectual property professionals to spend a lot of time conducting such searches and preparing a search report.

Pocket IP solves this problem and saves time and also reduces the risk of missing out on important search results.

Pocket IP provides a search in the databases of national and international trademark registration systems – showing results in a single format using convenient search algorithms.

Search results in the Pocket IP system will show the same and similar trademarks, as well as trademarks that are the exact translation of the meaning into the national language.

The search results report can be saved by the user to avoid the need for repeated duplicate searches.

Also, data on specific trademarks can be used to enable the function of tracking changes in the status of a particular trademark or trademark application.

Pocket IP search service scans the national and international trademark databases according to the user’s search terms and shows the most relevant results. There are possible to use different search terms to receive better outcomes.

Before developing a new brand name or filing your own trademark application is very advisable to make preliminary searches on whether similar trademarks are not registered. Preliminary search saves a lot of time and investments helping to stream efforts in the right way.

Pocket IP offers free trademark searches for its users. To request a search with opinions is also possible. To conduct trademark searches with other services or with the “manual” assistance of lawyers could cost a lot.

Comprehensive trademark search covers not only identical trademark names but similar ones as well. The search engine analyzes a name on similarity with other registered trademarks and applications and displays potentially threatening brands.

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