Trademark search in Ukraine


Every year the Ukrainian Intellectual Property Office receives more than 70,000 new trademark applications. In total, there are more than 210,000 active trademark registrations in Ukraine.

15-20% of applications are refused in registration.

In order not to get into this list and not waste time and money, it is necessary to conduct high-quality preliminary searches before the application is submitted.

In Ukraine, it is possible to register verbal, image, and combined trademarks (containing both text and an image). Accordingly, the search should include all elements of the future application. It is worth remembering that the verbal part always remains predominant.

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Tips for trademark searching in Ukraine
Latin and Cyrillic
A trademark can be registered both in Latin and Cyrillic, and even using characters from two alphabets. Therefore, it is important to search for two spellings of the word, transliterating it into Latin or Cyrillic.
Direct translations
Check the direct translation of the word in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. When submitting an application in English, if a TM is registered, which means the same in direct translation into Ukrainian or Russian, the application will be rejected.
Pay attention to inactive TMs
Despite the expiration of a previously registered TM, this does not mean that it cannot interfere. After the expiration of the certificate for a TM, within 2 years, only the previous owner can apply for the same trademark.
Benefits of trademark searches with Pocket IP
Convenient search system simultaneously on the national TM database of Ukraine and the WIPO international database
Downloading a search report in a convenient format
Filter system to display relevant search results
Save search results for quick research later

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How to search for trademarks in Ukraine

Pocket IP provides a free tool for conducting searches in Ukraine.

The search results contain both data from the national database and the WIPO database with international trademarks that are valid on the territory of Ukraine.

You can create your own profile in the Pocket IP system or use the quick search function without creating a profile in the service.

The search can be carried out by:

  • Keyword
  • Application number
  • TM registration number
  • TM owner name
  • Applicant's name

Search results can be filtered and sorted by all parameters in the table.

For further tracking of a trademark, it must be added to the My objects list.

Search results analysis

The presented results provide data for analysis and conclusions regarding the chances of obtaining brand registration in Ukraine.

The obtained examples of TM must be analyzed for the similarity of the verbal/figurative part, the declared list of goods/services, and the practice of considering similar applications by experts of the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation.

Also, do not forget about the general requirements for a trademark application in Ukraine.

You can also order analysis of search results from Pocket IP experts.

    Contact with us


    Pocket IP search service scans the national and international trademark databases according to the user’s search terms and shows the most relevant results. There are possible to use different search terms to receive better outcomes.

    Pocket IP offers free trademark searches for its users. To request a search with opinions is also possible. To conduct trademark searches with other services or with the “manual” assistance of lawyers could cost a lot.

    Before developing a new brand name or filing your own trademark application is very advisable to make preliminary searches on whether similar trademarks are not registered. Preliminary search saves a lot of time and investments helping to stream efforts in the right way.

    Comprehensive trademark search covers not only identical trademark names but similar ones as well. The search engine analyzes a name on similarity with other registered trademarks and applications and displays potentially threatening brands.

    Depending on the severity of the similarity, you may need to consider changing your brand name, adding additional elements to the application (original font or logo), or changing class or at least a list of goods/services. If a conflicting trademark is not in use, you may consider starting the cancelation procedure.