Регистрация торговой марки в Казахстане

Trademark registration is a critical aspect of Intellectual property law, serving as a key initial step needed to protect your brand in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a country with a fast-growing economy and with the 9-largest territory in the world. Despite being the largest country in the world without direct access to the sea, it plays a vital role in international trade placing a strategic position on the trade routes from Europe to Asia. Kazakhstan is a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU) and is a gate for the goods imported from East Asia and Central Asia to the countries of this economic union.

Kazakhstan's legal framework for trademark protection is defined by its dedication to meeting international standards and creating a business-friendly environment. Kazakhstan's intellectual property laws are shaped by compliance with international treaties such as the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), both of which the country has signed. It ensures that Kazakhstan's trademark protection rules are aligned with worldwide standards, thereby providing a strong mechanism for safeguarding trademarks.

The Law on Trademarks, Service Marks, and Appellations of Origin is Kazakhstan's fundamental trademark legislation, outlining the procedures for trademark registration, enforcement, and protection. The National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazpatent), is the central authority in charge of trademark registrations and related matters.

The trademark registration process in Kazakhstan consists of several steps, including application submission, Office expertise, publishing for opposition, and the issuance of a trademark registration certificate. Once registered, a trademark is protected for 10 years, with the option to renew indefinitely every 10 years. This registration grants the trademark owner exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the goods or services for which it is registered, as well as the right to prevent others from using similar marks that may confuse consumers.

Trademark application costs in Kazakhstan

The official fees for trademark application depend on the number of classes

Name of service Official fee, Kazakh national currency (KZT)
Filing application, up to three classes

- for each additional class



Registration and Certificate issuing, up to three classes

- for each additional class



The commission of Pocket IP for trademark application service is 200 USD per trademark.

The payments are accepted in USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, and PLN (at a client’s request). Both bank payment and card payment are available.

File trademark application in Kazakhstan

How to file a trademark application online in Kazakhstan

Pocket IP offers trademark application services in Kazakhstan.

A trademark application could be filed by entering new data or based on an example of a previously filed application

The fees are calculated automatically in the currency you selected according to the current exchange date.

For filing a trademark application, a simply signed POA is required – a scanned copy (draft and instructions will be provided by service).

Advantages of trademark registration with Pocket IP
24/7 Availability: The Pocket IP trademark application system is accessible at any time, allowing users to file the trademarks and check the current statuses without being limited by office hours.
Free access to docketing service: Pocket IP offers not just an application system, but a docketing service to keep all the trademark data and documents in one place.
Cost-effectiveness: Using Pocket IP to reduce costs is a more cost-effective option to file applications.
Real-Time Status Updates: Applicants can track the status of their trademark applications in real time, receiving updates and any required activities or correspondence from the trademark office.

Trademark registration process in Kazakhstan

New trademark application
The trademark application is filed with the IP Office and includes information about the trademark itself, the applicant data, the claimed classes and list of goods and/or services.
Formal examination
Formal examination
Check of formal requirements
For up to 1 month, the IP Office reviews the application to ensure it meets all eligibility requirements.
Publication and Substantive examination
Publication and Substantive examination
The Office runs examination for up to 7 months from the date of application
Also, any interested person, within one month from the date of publication of information about the application, has the right to file an objection (opposition) against the registration of the applied designation.
Issuing of registration certificate
The certificate is valid for 10 years from the date of filing the application and can be renewed every 10 years an unlimited number of times.

The entire trademark registration process in Kazakhstan usually takes 7-9 months, but it can take longer if there is any opposition or provisional refusal.

For non-residents representation of a local trademark attorney is obligatory.

Possibility to speed up the registration

The option to accelerate the examination of the applied designation is possible by paying an additional state fee.

The period for examination of the application in this case will be 3 months.

Looking for more countries to file an application?


В Казахстане возможно подавать заявки на регистрацию торговых марок в нескольких классах.

Нет ограничений в количестве товаров/услуг, указанных для регистрации в рамках класса.

Ограничений нет.

Заявителем/владельцем товарного знака может быть как физическое, так и юридическое лицо. Различий в правах для резидентов и нерезидентов нет.

Для иностранных заявителей обязательно представительство местного лицензированного патентного поверенного.

Чтобы зарегистрировать торговую марку в Казахстане, подготовьте и подайте заявку.

В течение 7-9 месяцев заявка будет рассматриваться ведомством.

Заявка может быть оспорена третьими лицами или отклонена ведомством. В случае соответствия заявки всем требованиям она получит регистрацию.

В рамках класса можно указывать как стандартные, так и нестандартные перечни товаров или услуг. Использование нестандартного перечня необходимо для соответствия тематике класса.

В случае если в поданной заявке товары/услуги указанные как нестандартные слишком похожи на наименования в стандартном перечне, эксперт ведомства может предложить изменить нестандартную классификацию на наименования из стандартного перечня.

В качестве торговой марки могут быть зарегистрированы изобразительные, словесные, буквенные, цифровые, объемные и иные обозначения или их комбинации, позволяющие отличать товары и услуги одних лиц от однородных товаров или услуг других лиц.

Свидетельство на торговую марку выдается только в электронном виде.

Обновленный сертификат не выдается после продления срока действия ТМ. Ведомство предоставляет только электронное уведомление о продлении срока действия регистрации торговой марки с указанием новой даты истечения срока действия.

Казахстан использует Международную классификацию товаров (классы 1-34) и услуг (классы 35-45), установленную Ниццким соглашением для регистрации товарных знаков.

Нет необходимости предоставлять доказательства использования торговой марки при процедуре регистрации или продлении срока действия.

Любое заинтересованное лицо может оспорить регистрацию торговой марки в суде по причине ее неиспользования в течение трех лет, предшествующих дате подачи иска в суд. Иск против действительности регистрации может касаться всех или части товаров, указанных в свидетельстве.

До регистрации торговой марки возможно изменение данных заявителя, смена заявителя или сокращение перечня товаров/услуг.

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