
Almost anyone who at least once faced the need to find a lawyer in another country knows that it takes a lot of time to find a reliable partner.

The process consists of:

  1. Viewing information in various ratings, listings, and profile groups in social networks;
  2. Collecting contacts and sending letters of request;
  3. Collection of responses, gathering of information into a single format;
  4. Analysis of information and selection of an agent;
  5. Preparing and sending instructions;
  6. Discussion of possible clarifications to instructions;
  7. Receiving a report on the work progress;
  8. Sending letters of request or reminders about statuses.

In total, only the stage before the sending of instructions takes at least 1-2 days. Clarification of instructions may take several more days.

And even this does not give any guarantees that the proposed scheme for fulfilling the client’s needs is correct, the cost is adequate, and the result will not be disappointing.

Pocket IP allows you to go through all the stages in a few clicks, monitor the result of the service online, as well as updates the status of an application or registration are available online.

The cost of registering and maintaining rights to a trademark or patent, as well as all the main information on the application process and renewal of rights have already been prepared by Pocket IP specialists and there is no need to search for this data on an individual basis.

Instructions for performing actions are drawn up in a unified format and given to verified agents in the requested country. In each jurisdiction, Pocket IP has multiple partners to avoid denial instructions due to conflicts of interest.

Updates of object statuses in the Pocket IP online cabinet occur automatically after changing data in the national database or updating a report from an agent.

File trademark application with us

Create Pocket IP account to start filing a new trademark application


Pocket IP 提供了在多个国家在线注册商标的服务。您可以从一个账户开始,首先创建一个免费的系统个人档案,然后在线提交新的申请。

大多数国家对非居民直接与国家知识产权局沟通有一定限制。因此,Pocket IP 在所有国家都有执业代理人,确保您的利益得到安全代理。

Pocket IP 服务节省时间和金钱,提高知识产权管理的效率。由于许多法律流程的自动化,您可以减少访问各国家和国际数据库、准备报告的时间,确保不遗漏任何截止日期等。定制分析竞争对手的商标战略,并优化您的计划和下一步行动。