
It is less and less common to find companies whose products or services are present only in the market of one country. Globalization leads to the fact that if previously only a large business could afford to work in several countries, now even small family-owned manufacturers trade their products in the markets of different countries on different continents.

Despite the harmonization of registration processes and national laws regulating trademark and patent rights:

  • national and regional systems of intellectual property rights have their own particularities;
  • a unified accounting of their intellectual property objects is required, with information about registration data, deadlines, etc.
  • the more markets of presence there are, the more difficult it becomes to monitor the use of trademarks abroad;
  • most actions with intellectual property objects in another country on behalf of a non-resident require a local licensed lawyer;
  • choosing a lawyer to represent interests in another country is a difficult task even for experienced industry professionals.

Pocket IP offers its users to manage intellectual property objects all over the world from one online account.

Pocket IP system contains:

Partner lawyers in other countries have already been checked and selected by the Pocket IP team, and the service is responsible for the quality of carrying out instructions.


您可以通过传统方式管理商标组合,大多依赖手动操作。或者您可以采用现代方式,通过 IT 解决方案调整业务流程,这些解决方案使许多日常活动自动化,从而将时间用于更重要的任务。


Pocket IP 提供了一种简便、安全且具有成本效益的方法,可以通过一个在线账户在不同国家续展商标。只需通过我们的搜索服务免费查找您的商标,并在可用时请求续展即可。

Pocket IP 服务节省时间和金钱,提高知识产权管理的效率。由于许多法律流程的自动化,您可以减少访问各国家和国际数据库、准备报告的时间,确保不遗漏任何截止日期等。定制分析竞争对手的商标战略,并优化您的计划和下一步行动。