
Businesses present in the markets of several countries, and their lawyers are faced with the problem of the difficulty of accounting for their intellectual property rights objects.

The principle of extraterritoriality does not apply to objects of industrial property (trademarks, patents) – the rights to them are valid only in the country where they have passed the official registration procedure. Therefore, any company that has several TM or patents in its portfolio and operates in several countries is faced with the problem of managing its assets – even one TM is thus transformed into dozens or hundreds of different objects that are regulated by various national laws and exist in the business space of different countries.

Because of this, it is not uncommon for companies to “lose” their trademarks – information about registration documents are lost, accurate information about the owner, and the deadlines for renewing the rights to a trademark are missed.

The Pocket IP docketing system allows easily enter of information about TM and patents by uploading data from national and international registration systems to a personal account, keeping records of all objects in a single convenient format, automatically updating information about the IP objects, taking into account the data of possible license agreements, enable the alerting function in case of attempts to unlawfully register similar TM, quickly give instructions to lawyers in other countries.

Key features and functions by Pocket IP trademark docketing system:
Deadline Management
The system automatically calculates and tracks important dates, such as renewal dates, response deadlines, etc. It sends reminders and notifications to ensure that necessary actions are taken on time.
Case Management
The docketing system allows users to create and manage cases for individual trademarks. It provides a central repository to store and organize all relevant information, including application details, registration certificates, correspondence, and legal documents.
Document Management
Users can upload and manage trademark-related documents within the system. This facilitates easy retrieval and sharing of documents among team members, clients, and stakeholders.
Integration with official trademark databases
Pocket IP connects records with trademark databases and enabling users to retrieve and update trademark data directly from the system. This integration ensures accurate and up-to-date information within the docketing system.
Guidance on official rules
We incorporate trademark laws, rules, and current schedules of fees.
Benefits of using Pocket IP:
Calculation of deadlines based on applicable laws and regulations specific to each jurisdiction.
Automated reminders and notifications to be aware of upcoming deadlines.
Integration with Trademark Offices allows to retrieve and update trademark data directly.
Set the task to renew trademark or file new trademark application directly in docketing system.

Try Pocket IP to manage your trademarks

Pocket IP is a software tool used by intellectual property (IP) law firms, corporations, and trademark professionals to manage and track their trademark portfolios efficiently. It helps streamline the trademark application and registration process, ensuring that important deadlines and actions related to trademarks are monitored and addressed promptly.

A well-designed docketing system assists trademark professionals in staying organized, meeting deadlines, and proactively managing their trademark portfolios.

Trademark docketing systems significantly improve efficiency and reduce the risk of missing important deadlines or overlooking critical actions associated with trademark management. They enable streamlined workflows, enhance collaboration, and provide better visibility into the overall trademark portfolio.


您可以通过传统方式管理商标组合,大多依赖手动操作。或者您可以采用现代方式,通过 IT 解决方案调整业务流程,这些解决方案使许多日常活动自动化,从而将时间用于更重要的任务。

Pocket IP 帮助管理商标组合,提供包括先进的归档系统在内的工具,以保持和更新商标记录、进行检索、设置监控、提交新的商标申请,并访问商标申请跟踪系统。我们的服务将所有主要功能集中在一个平台上,以支持您的业务发展。

Pocket IP 服务节省时间和金钱,提高知识产权管理的效率。由于许多法律流程的自动化,您可以减少访问各国家和国际数据库、准备报告的时间,确保不遗漏任何截止日期等。定制分析竞争对手的商标战略,并优化您的计划和下一步行动。

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