
The more successful the business and the more successful the brand has become, the more likely it is that others will want to use the brand’s fame by imitating or simply copying the TM.

Often, brand owners are faced with a dilemma – to bear the high costs of monitoring the use of their trademarks in other countries, to fight imitators, attempts by squatters, and unscrupulous distributors to register their TMs, or to let the dice roll.

Depending on how large the market is for the company, one of these options is chosen. Due to the fact that the blind eye to the situation in certain markets is applying, brand owners receive less profit from sales in, in their opinion, secondary markets.

But, after the company reconsiders its priorities, it often turns out that it will take a lot of money and time to return at least the rights to its TM in many countries.

Reputational losses for a brand can also become a problem – for many years, products under such a trademark could be counterfeit, which is why consumers have already formed a stable perception of such a brand.

The monitoring system from Pocket IP allows to set up notifications (alerts) when applying for registration of similar TM in the countries specified by the user, including customs registers.

Most importantly, notifications come to the user at the same moment when the information about the application for a similar TM is officially published.

It will also be available to set up alerts for search systems and social networks when the TM or brand name is used by others (illegal sale, fake, or imitation of the original product).

Improvement and automation of the monitoring system of their TM abroad will allow a more effective fight against infringers and earn more for official manufacturers.


您可以通过传统方式管理商标组合,大多依赖手动操作。或者您可以采用现代方式,通过 IT 解决方案调整业务流程,这些解决方案使许多日常活动自动化,从而将时间用于更重要的任务。


Pocket IP 旨在为律师事务所的知识产权组合管理专家以及公司法务部门的专业人员提供服务。这两类用户都可以通过 Pocket IP 提高业务流程的效率。


Pocket IP 服务节省时间和金钱,提高知识产权管理的效率。由于许多法律流程的自动化,您可以减少访问各国家和国际数据库、准备报告的时间,确保不遗漏任何截止日期等。定制分析竞争对手的商标战略,并优化您的计划和下一步行动。